Candela Di Water Pump Mgl Mgy Vbeam

Candela Deionization water pump
This water pump will fit most Candela laser machines including:

  • GentleLase
  • GentleYag
  • GentleLase Plus
  • GentleLase Mini
  • GentleYag Mini
  • VBEAM 1

Candela DI Water Pump Important Information

Most aesthetic laser and IPL machines use water to cool the system. The water pump pumps this water throughout the components of the machine which require cooling, such as the laser head, the flash lamp, the rod, the flow tubes and more to prevent overheating. It is important that your water pump is operational in order to, not only prevent overheating, but to prevent the issues that may arise as a result of overheating.

Candela Issues That Can Arise As A Result Of A Broken Water Pump

A flow error can be triggered by a malfunctioning water pump. This means that the pump is not properly circulating the water. The flow switch, which is a device used to measure the rate of water flow into the machine can break as a result. Moreover, overheating can cause a significant increase in pressure inside the machine and also jeopardize the pressure switch. The Laser head, flash lamp, flow tubes, and laser head rod can also stop working as a result of the heat and pressure.


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